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Pray for teachers, students and schools

Our local school started today and it was big day for every everyone involved. During the day I had a chance to reach out to music teachers I've accompanied in the past to share my prayers for them, especially teachers with upper grades, as they are all online. I want to see them be successful this year. I'm not try to brag, "Oh look. I prayed for them." Please don't think I'm being conceded. Hope it doesn't come off that way. Just want to see the teachers believe with God's help they can accomplish great works to help the amazing students. One of the teachers I worked with last school year stated that she wants to be a blessing to the amazing kids she's been place to teach. Those words of wisdom brought joy to my heart.

Hope that you will encourage your teachers, principals, administration, parents and everyone involved. May we always know that we are doing all we can to help others succeed to their ultimate potential. What ways are you helping teachers do well this year? Would enjoy hearing.

Thanks for your support. Blessings.

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