"Because" Picture Book
Several years ago my wife found a book at our local library called Because by Mo Willems and Performed (Illustrated) by Amber Ren. Willems incorporates the word "Because" throughout the book. The Picture Book is based on a true story of a girl, who gets to go with her aunt to a Franz Schubert concert. The first pages gives the background of a how Schubert was inspired by Beethoven's music, where he wanted to write his own music.
The next part of the story explains the process of how an orchestra got together to put on a concert of Schubert's music, identifying musicians who were able to play for the concert, fliers created, organizing and passing out the music. Because the train took the orchestra conductor to rehearsals the musicians were able to work on the music. When the young ladies uncle gets sick, her aunt brings her to the concert, where the building was prepared for those who attend.
Willems states that the young lady's life was changed because of the music. She would study and learn music and compositions, to the point that she was able to put on a concert of her own to conduct an orchestra later on as an adult. The premier song was called "The Cold", based on her uncle getting a cold, allowing her to attend the concert with her aunt. The true story is based on Hilary Purrington's life, who is now a prolific composer and musician.
I've been able to read this book to my students recent, even some of my older students and they are opened to the idea of "Because". This book has opened my eyes more to realize that "because" of one opportunity it leads to another opportunity. That's my favorite concept. We don't know all that is going to happen in our lives, yet these chances start with someone's "Because" leading to another "Because". Embrace the Because and have fun with what life brings you.
Here is the link to Hillary Purrington's song "The Cold" on Soundcloud. It's worth listening to and even learning.I hope I can play it very soon, when I obtain sheet music. https://soundcloud.com/hilary-purrington/the-cold
Here's her website, which I'm excited to learn more about and see what songs I can learn and teach. https://www.hilarypurrington.com/index.html
Here is the link to the book. https://pigeonpresents.com/books/because/

What is your "Because"? Why do you do what you? What are things you still want to do? These philosophical questions have been around since the beginning of time. Yet look around and reflect on your "Because" and even on those we haven't seen yet. Thanks for your support. Blessings.