First Piano Game Ideas for Younger or Beginner Students
Wanted to take a moment to share about some of my favorite game ideas for a students first lesson, mostly for younger or beginner students.
Starting out with rhythm cups are tons of fun for the students, by Wendy Stevens at I use cup rhythms as a way to calm any anxiety or stress. If you don't have this product, it's worth checking out. The students will have so much fun learning rhythm. This link is the My First Rhythm Cups, designed for younger kids. She create other options, yet this is perfect for those learning about quarter and half notes. The cup rhythms include backing tracks which sound incredible.
Get your beanbags out and give them to the students and they throw them at the sheets with left and right hand at a good distance. Have the students identify what hand and fingers they get it on. The game helps students understand how finger numbers and hands work in piano. This is a great game from Would encourage you to use different colored sheets for this game. Color is so beneficial to kids.
Use the beanbags for this fun competition game where you lay out many of the 2 and 3 sets of black key cards out on the floor at a good distance. Laminating is the best. Throw the beanbags at the cards and if it lands on a 2 set you or the student gets 2 points, 3 set equals 3 points. Add the points up and see who has the most. I always tell my students I win every game and is great to find out who is competitive and those who are not.
This is one of the first games I created that is a race from the left side of the piano to the top of the piano, where I let the pick out a legos, game pieces or dice. The student and teacher pick a card and move up to the next 2 or 3 set. The game includes action cards: move up or down to the next 2 or 3 set, teacher loses a turn, move to the top 2 set, start over, plus extra ones. The goal is to get to the top 3 set. This game always brings an enormous amount of joy and laughter.
What are some of your favorite games to start students out with on the piano? Would like to know. Thanks for your support. Blessings.