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Two Questions I Always Ask During Lessons

Over the years of teachings I always ask two questions when a student arrives and before they leave. Why? Because relationships truly matter. I want my students and parents to know and see how much I care for them. Not so I can write a blog about it, yet share these great questions that will help engage better rapport. That's what truly matters. People don't care how much we know, yet how much we care. That's the main point of teaching. If students and parents "trust" us, then everyone will find ways to make their child(s) or themselves play the piano, sing and act better.

The first question I ask is: What is the most exciting thing(s) that happened the previous week? Read a short FB post that a student might arrive with a medal around their neck and we just have them go to the piano. They brought something special to show us and a story goes along with it. That's the best thing when I ask, having them share what is occurring in their lives. Maybe they got on Student Counsel, outdid their time at Cross County, got a part in a play/musical, went on a trip. So many options. I always love hearing what happened during the week. That fills my cup. The question doesn't have to take long, yet it's building amazing relationships, trust and friendships.

When a student leaves I always ask: What was your favorite part? What did you like the most? A game, script, particular piano or vocal song, composing, story boarding, rhythm, a video that inspires them to want learn more, music history, a conversation, so much more. It doesn't matter, it's their favorite part. Giving them ownership will develop great character and keep a positive attitude in life.

What do you ask your students, besides superficial questions? Would love to know what you do to develop rapport with students and parents. Thanks for your support. Blessing.


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