Catch a Polar Bear Beginner Piano Staff Game
Over the Christmas break, I came up with a simple game idea to help my students who are working on notes A (Bass Clef Line 5) to E (Treble Clef Line 1). The board game is a fun way to help students understand where the notes are located on the Grand Staff. My students love the game and have asked several times to play it recently. Plus playing new games always refreshes your studio.
The basis of the game is very simple, where students will put their game piece(s) at the left-hand corner by the first A. Flashcards of A-E are at the top of the game board, personally recommend you use flash cards of A-E using this link for free ones from
Each student takes turns rolling the die to move that many spaces. The note the student lands on, they must show you the flashcard that matches. If they land on a Polar Bear, they get one of the six polar bear cards. Whoever has the most polar bears wins the game.
Here is the game board, polar bears, and instructions link to from my website:
Hope this game helps your student feel more confident with the beginner piano notes. What are some games you have created? Would like to know.

Works in group lessons.

Or individual lessons.

Keep trying new ways of teaching. Thanks for your support. Blessings.